
Perché e come scegliere l’oggetto transizionale: amato dal bambino, gradito agli adulti - La stanza nel bosco

Why and how to choose the transitional object: loved by the child, appreciated by the adults

Reconciling the needs of children and adults is not always an easy task. Especially for objects that play an important and/or lasting role for the child: bedroom furniture, clothes, toys, books and, of course, the transitional object. Almost everything purchased for the child is subject to the taste, or at least the approval, of the parents; but as far as the transitional object is concerned, the only and essential "last word" belongs to the child. However, the attentive parent can propose appropriate alternatives, to facilitate the selection and final choice for the child.

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10 motivi per cui dovreste fare regali fatti a mano - La stanza nel bosco

10 reasons why you should give handmade gifts

Do you have a handmade gift that you keep with care? Are you wondering what to give to relatives and friends? I thought it would be fun to put together a list of the many reasons why you should consider giving handmade gifts ! Feel free to add more ideas in the comments below! 1. The person who has it all … We all have someone who "has it all" in our lives, right? Mine is my sweet sister. She buys pretty much anything she likes. One year I gave her a shirt with one of her favorite images printed...

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3 motivi per cui le decorazioni in bianco e nero sono le migliori per i neonati - La stanza nel bosco

3 reasons why black and white decorations are the best for newborns

Did you know that newborns can only see in black and white until about three months of age? In this article, we explain why providing high-contrast monochromatic decorations and toys is beneficial for children. Have you wondered why so many children's toys and books feature high contrast black and white illustrations? Contrary to what happens for the other senses, at birth the newborn's visual capacity is very limited and will reach full maturation only around 8 months of life. According to some studies conducted in the 1960s, in the first months of life, the newborn's vision is poorly developed and...

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